Green Box of Doom

      Green boxes of doom are large, green boxes that you may find around your neighborhood. They contain vicious, angry electricity monsters that will attack at will, as clearly depicted by the warning label (see pic below). There is no real purpose for putting the boxes at street corners that could host mischeivous children, so green boxes of doom are an example of a sharp sign paradox.

      If you ever happen to come across a green box of doom in your lifetime, run away and hide.


      A long time ago, there was a guy named Hercules. And I forgot why, but this evil guy was ticked off at him and unleashed these evil monsters to destroy him. There was a rock one, a cyclops, a tornado thing, a lava one, and an ice one. But the most vicious and evil monster of all was the electricity monster. You may not have heard of this one, because this one was smart and hid under a rock until all the other monsters were gone. Then, he could unleash his mass destruction.

      But I guess he fell asleep because when he came out, it was the 20th century. He began destroying New York City and wreaking havoc. Tanks were brought in, but when they hit him, he exploded and divided into hundreds of mini-monsters that terrorized neighborhoods. Luckily, Superman's brother, Duke Power, found a way to trap the monsters. They put a sign that read "KEEP OFF OF GRASS" on a nice grassy spot. Naturally, the monsters flooded these areas. Then, a big green box would come down and trap one of them.

      If you look at the label on the box, you will see that a monster lurks inside and will attack you if you dare to open it. If a monster is unleashed, you need to immediately call Duke Power.